
Research outcomes of this project have been published as a special issue of a peer-reviewed international journal

The research outcomes of this project were published as a special issue of a peer-reviewed international journal (Nomadic Peoples, Volume 25, Number 2) on October 2, 2010. The title of this special issue is “Rethinking Resilience in the Context of East African Pastoralism”. It contains an Introduction co-authored by Shinya Konaka, the principal investigator of this project, and Professor Peter D. Little of Emory University in the U.S., and articles by Toru Sagawa, Itsuhiro Hasama, and Konaka as well as contributions from the U.S, Italy, and Canada. It summarizes the results of an international conference in Poznan convened by this project in 2019. The Introduction to this special issue can be downloaded free of charge, while other papers are charged. We hope that you will find it useful.

Nomadic Peoples, Volume 25, Number 2

Introduction (available for free download)

Anthropologists discuss the fast-changing face of pastoralism | PASTRES

The current project has been designed as a follow-up/development of the “Localization Project for the New Framework of Humanitarian Aids in East African Pastoral Society” (project number 25257005), KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A).

The outcomes of previous research project have been published as follows.

S. Konaka & X. Sun (eds.) Localization of Humanitarian Assistance Frameworks for East African Pastoralists. African Study Monographs. Supplementary issue, 53.

Link to the download site (Kyoto University Research Information Repository)
